Learn to hack!

Welcome to! is an education platform for students (and other interested parties) to learn about, and practice, core cybersecurity concepts in a hands-on fashion. In martial arts terms, it is designed to take a “white belt” in cybersecurity to becoming a “blue belt”, able to approach (simple) CTFs and wargames. The philosophy of is “practice makes perfect”. was created by Zardus (Yan Shoshitaishvili) and kanak (Connor Nelson) at Arizona State University. It powers ASU’s Introduction to Cybersecurity (CSE 365) and Computer Systems Security (CSE 466) courses, and is open, for free, to participation for interested people around the world!

If you have comments, suggestions, and feedback, please email us at!

Great! How do I jump in? is organized into a series of modules, that launch throughout the school year and stay open until the next iteration of the courses. For each module, students should go through the following process:

  1. Watch the PRERECORDED MODULE LECTURES on YouTube (for those that prefer offline versions, they are available on Dropbox). These classes represent the bulk of the passive educational content in! They give you a starting point from which to approach the practice problems (Step 3, below).
  2. Attend the LIVE CLASSES on Twitch, during ASU’s Fall semester. For those that miss the live classes (or are doing the course sometime other than in the fall).
  3. Catch up on any live classes you miss by checking out RECORDED STREAMS, which are initially saved on Twitch right after the live stream (but time out after a week or two) and are eventually archived to YouTube. The live classes are used to fill in gaps between prerecorded lectures and answer student questions.
  4. Solve the CHALLENGE PROBLEMS hosted in the dojo. The challenge problems are the active educational component of They are absolutely critical to learning: the lectures give you a starting point for the content, but the challenge problems force you to truly learn it.
  5. When you run into problems with the challenges, you can GET HELP on our discord server. The discord is also a great place to chat with other aspiring hackers! currently has three major stages of progression. Consider hacking as a martial art that students earn belts in as they progress. We currently have three belts in three dedicated dojos: white, yellow, and blue (re-launching Spring 2023, but feel free to peruse last year’s combined dojo if you can’t wait!).

Over time, hackers become more sure in their skills, achieving brown belt status (and able to, for example, usefully contribute to the cybersecurity industry), before finally graduating to hacking masters: black belts. But this, unfortunately, must happen outside of the dojo (for now!).

The Belts

This course progresses hackers from white belts, to yellow belts, and then finally refines them into blue belts. This is not just metaphor: we have actual belts, in yellow and blue, custom-embroidered for

How to earn a white belt? For a white belt, you must complete all active challenges launched in CSE 365.

How to earn a yellow belt? For a yellow belt, you must complete all active challenges launched in CSE 466.

How to earn a blue belt? For a blue belt, you must complete all active challenges on!

How to get the actual belt? To get your belt, send us an email from the email address associated with your account once you’ve completed the necessary challenges. We’ll then get your belt over to you (eventually)!

Who has earned belts? We maintain a list of hackers with belts. Once you achieve your belt, if you provide your name, email address, and emoji, we will add you to the list!

Collaboration, Livestream, and Writeup Policy

The challenges created for are educational material, and are used to grade CSE466 students at ASU. Because of this, we would appreciate that writeups, walkthrough videos, and livestreams of challenge solutions are not posted to the internet. Obviously, we can’t enforce this, but we worked hard to make all of this public, and we would appreciate your help in keeping a viable educational platform.

Exceptions: Really passionate about making walkthrough videos/streams/writeups? We got you covered! Feel free to do walkthroughs of the first two levels of every module, as well as level 16 of the Reverse Engineering module!

If you email us a link to your video or writeup, we will link it from the relevant module page!

Further Practice

After you learn the basics of cybersecurity and earn your blue belt, you should move on to harder challenges.

Capture The Flags (CTFs) are a great way to practice your hacking skills in a fun and ethical way. The most popular way to find upcoming events is at There is also a list of introductory CTFs here. If you are at ASU, feel free to check out and join ASU’s enigmatic hacking club.

Wargames are another great way to practice your hacking skills. Whereas CTFs are short (normally 48 hour) events, wargames are not time-based. You can find a list of wargames at

If you want to get involved with cybersecurity research, but don’t know how, consider joining us for an internship at ASU.

Reusing Material

Want to use in your course? You can!

The videos and slides of lectures are licensed under CC-BY-NC. You can use them freely for non-commercial purposes, but please provide attribution! Additionally, if you use in your own education program, we would appreciate it if you email us to let us know. Evidence of wide-spread use of for education will be a huge help for Yan’s tenure case!

EDUCATORS: If you are an educational institution and are using as part of a class, you can request a (free) private instance of the infrastructure! Please email us to ask!

CONFERENCES: If you are running a conference and would like presense there (as a form of intense weekend-long traning), please email us!


The infrastructure powering and the web-facing content are open source, and we welcome pull requests and issues. The modules are closed-source, because they include source code and solution scripts. If you are an educator, or otherwise someone we trust, and are interested in collaborating on the modules themselves, please email us at Likewise, drop us a line if you are interested in collaborating on the slides!


Team work makes the dream work, and the team behind is full of dreamers! They are: